Usually people have seen peculiar lights, however it hasn't explicated yet by the researchers. Too of types of extraterrestrial rocks are attracted by this place.
The flora includes several cacti, ocotillos,sabanetas and agaves, some of them endemic. So have animals only ones on the world such as the desert tortoise, rabbits, mice and kangaroo rats, foxes, coyotes and owls.
The truth is that this area is attractive for the investigation around the world and American scientists have stated that by the characteristics of the “Zone of Silence” would be an ideal place to establish a base of interplanetary spacecraft launch, a nuclear plant and several things more.
Moreover, this area is rich in historic resources, cultural and paleontological because was found numerous fossils, mainly of animals who lived for at least 70 million years. And is that what today is a desert, during the Mesozoic era was the sea Tethys.
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